Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hello, it's Me!

Disneyland, 2016
  Hey there! Welcome to my blog all about me and my walk with my man J.C.😃. Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Emily, I'm currently 16 years old and I have lived in the burning hot state of Arizona my whole life. As of now, I'm a Junior in high school, graduating next year in 2018 (whoop whoop!). Next year, as a Senior, I will be taking an EMT (emergency medical technician) class so that I'm qualified to get my certification right after I graduate. My ultimate goal is to become a Paramedic by the time I'm 21. If you can't tell by the picture on the right, I absolutely love Disneyland and all things Disney. I've only been a whopping total of three times, but hey, it's expensive, man! Photography is another love of mine. I just recently started getting into the expensive hobby of film photography. There's just something about having a physical photo to look back on that makes it really special to me. Alright, enough about my hobbies and interests, let's get to the reason why I've decided to put my life on the Internet.
  My whole life I've always really enjoyed journaling and writing my thoughts and feelings out, but there were always things I wanted to share with others. I always played out stories in my head of me giving a big speech to a crowd of people about something I learned that day. Just recently I've felt the need to tell people about what I've gone through and the lessons I've learned in my short span of life. So, if you somehow find this, I hope in some way my blog will make your day better or you'll learn something through one of my experiences. Thank you so much for reading this big mess! I promise these will get better once I get the hang of it. Have a great day and God bless you ♥

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